In the annals of Internet fail videos, the grape lady is one of the all time greats, a perfect distillation of America's Funniest Home Videos to a stiff shot of hilarity. You want to feel bad for the grape lady, but at the same time are kind of pleased. She was trying to cheat, after all, telling the other lady to stop before getting in those last few stomps.

Free Beer introduced this new video of a rope swing fail as a possible successor to the grape lady's throne, asking the guys what they thought.

"His hand slips off the bar way too early and he smashes back head first," said Zane, describing the action of the video.

While the guys thought it was funny, especially when the guy asks his friend if he "got that on video," they didn't think it was of the same caliber. We agree. The reaction sounds are similar, with plenty of surprised, guttural moaning. But there isn't the same buildup/satisfying conclusion. This is just some bozo who needs a stronger grip.

Stray observation: the giant "GYUHUUHHGH" gasp from the guy videotaping right after his buddy eats it is really funny.

Check out the video below:

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