Free Beer and the guys tried to make it through a YouTube video of what Deadspin has called the worst National Anthem rendition ever.

Despite the fact that singing in front of a crowd of over 20,000 people would be terrifying to most people, the Internet is not cutting 11-year-old singer Harper Gruzins much slack. And truth be told, she subjected everyone to a pretty godawful rendition of America's anthem.

Free Beer noted that an early warning sign might have been that Gruzins (again, she's 11 years old) was introduced as a "singer-songwriter." Once they started listening, it didn't take more than six words before Zane groaned, "Ugh, this is going to take an hour."

The guys barely made it through to the end of the clip, handing out countless one-liners as almost a survival mechanism. "She sounds mostly tone deaf to me," said Hot Wings.

"This kid needs a dose of reality," said Free Beer. Hot Wings agreed, saying, "I think the adults in her life are doing her a real disservice." He continued, "If her parents have any sense, they will cut Internet access from her for about a month."

Think you can make it through the whole thing? Watch at your own risk.

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