Free Beer and the guys watched a video of a cop dealing with a pair of gun activists who were walking around with what looked like semi-automatic rifles. After some rightfully concerned citizens placed a call to the police, this extremely level-headed cop arrived on the scene and confronted the two men.

The guys were immediately put off by the main gun-toter in the video, who can be heard talking first. "It's his smarm-factor that's a problem," said Free Beer. He went on to add that, "This is not an illegal search and seizure."

"You can tell he's an idiot, because he asks [the office] 'how can you tell it's not an automatic?'" said Hot Wings, making the point that any well-trained officer should be able to make that distinction. "I know a lot of gun people and they are nothing like that guy."

"What a doofus," said Free Beer.

We agree with the guys and think these two yahoos were just looking to get a rise out of a cop. So good on this officer for doing a bang-up job and owning these smart asses.

Here's the video:

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