The guys got a kick out of watching German diver Stephan Feck's Olympic dreams come to an end in a spectacular fashion. Feck, who received a total of zero points for his dive, finished last in the men's 3-meter springboard on Monday.

"This is so great," said Zane. Free Beer winced while watching the splash. "They say it's like concrete when you hit, except concrete doesn't swallow you up and drown you," said Free Beer.

The guys then got a kick out of the British announcer, who wittily compared the dive to the Isle of Man. There was some speculation as to what exactly the announcer was comparing, but eventually a listener emailed in that the announcer was talking about the flag. We gotta admit, that comparison was pretty spot on.

While Feck's dive may not have a earned himself a medal, his backflop will live on forever in the tubes of the Internet, where it holds a special place in the rarefied class of epic backflops.

Check it out below:

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