Survey Reveals a Good Chunk of Us Really, Really, Really Dislike Our Bosses
You think your boss is bad?
A new survey has found that one out of five people would rather be given more work than sit next to their boss at work.Think about that: these people would gladly accept more paperwork that keeps them in the office later so they'll miss 'Friends' reruns than sit next to the man or woman who is above them in the food chain on the job. Ouch.
There must be some especially bad bosses out there because a total of 38% would prefer enduring a longer ride to work, sit next to a co-worker who eats loudly or be assigned more work than sit next to their boss.
Some other interesting notes from the survey:
- 86% would rather work alone in the hopes of doing the most amount of work possible
- The movement towards working from home may be nothing nut hogwash, since 63% would “prefer to spend ‘focus time’ in their personal workspace as compared to those who'd rather work at home (29%)”
- 24% claim they spend more time in meetings talking about work instead of doing the work they’re discussing
- Talking to co-workers in person seems to be going the way of the typewriter. Forty-six percent say they chat with colleagues via IM, email or the phone instead of face-to-face.
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