
The Best Sites to Post Your Resume
The Best Sites to Post Your Resume
The Best Sites to Post Your Resume
Being in the market for a new job means posting your résumé online. This seems like obvious information, but if you haven’t yet posted your résumé anywhere, stop reading this and get it up on the Web as soon as possible. Or, better yet, finish reading this first and then post it. That way you’ll at least know where to begin in the very crowded world that is online résumé sites.
5 Ways to Turn Down a Job Offer Without Burning a Bridge
5 Ways to Turn Down a Job Offer Without Burning a Bridge
5 Ways to Turn Down a Job Offer Without Burning a Bridge
You are one of the lucky ones. You’ve done your networking, polished your résumé, honed your interview skills, and you are now deciding between more than one job offer. This is the best news ever. Except, now you have to turn someone down. Don’t worry. You can do this without burning a bridge.
5 Tips for Keeping a Great Rooftop Garden
5 Tips for Keeping a Great Rooftop Garden
5 Tips for Keeping a Great Rooftop Garden
Rooftop and terrace gardens are a wonderful way to get a bit of green into an urban setting. Who says you have to live in the country or have a big house in suburbia to grow tons of plants and tasty vegetables? While it’s true that there’s nothing new under the sun, if you haven’t set up a rooftop garden before, there will be a few things that are new to you.
5 Job-Search Tips Just for College Grads
5 Job-Search Tips Just for College Grads
5 Job-Search Tips Just for College Grads
Graduating from college is an exciting time, full of both positive emotions and a lot of "Uh oh, now I have to find a job and make a living." Not only have you been let out into the working world with a million of your peers, that same working world is already full of people who've been on the job hunt longer than you. These people have experience and networks. Getting a job is not going
5 Extreme Garden Ornaments to Spice Up Your Backyard
5 Extreme Garden Ornaments to Spice Up Your Backyard
5 Extreme Garden Ornaments to Spice Up Your Backyard
Sometimes a small fountain or fishpond just isn’t enough when it comes to giving your garden that extra kick you need to make it one-of-a-kind. If you want your children and friends to applaud your audacity and imagination in the home-and-gardening sphere, an extreme garden ornament just might be that elusive item you’re in search of.

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