Country Jammers,

We’ve got an exclusive offer starting today for our 2017 VIP and Reserved ticket and campsite holders — you can now renew your seats and sites for Country Jam 2018!

Click the link below and follow the instructions to secure your tickets and campsite spots at Country Jam 2018 on June 14-17 at Jam Ranch.

buy tickets now

Don’t wait, because this offer only lasts through Wednesday, July 5!

Here are the instructions to renew your tickets online:

  1.  Login: Click the Buy Tickets button above and sign in using your account. This will allow you to view your pre-populated cart with the same seats or campsites you purchased in 2017.
  2. Select Tickets: Log in and we’ll pre-populate your cart with the same seats or campsites from 2017. 
  3. Request Upgrade (Not guaranteed): If you are looking for an upgrade, fill in the provided field and we’ll try to help. 
  4. Extras (Camp Access, Country Club and Port-a-potty): Enhance your experience with available ticket extras. Select each item and add your extras to it.
  5. Checkout/EZPay: Complete your purchase or choose our payment plan.

As always, you will be able to renew your seats and campsites during this year’s Country Jam at the Ticket Renewal Tent near the VIP entrance.

Note: This offer only applies to 2017 VIP and Reserved Seat ticket and campsite holders. Those with General Admission tickets cannot purchase tickets at this time, but can renew campsites. 

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