COTR Texting
Country On the River Fans,
We've got a new and improved way to stay in touch! We're introducing our Text Club for our #COTR fans. These aren't like texts from Grandma; Text Club members will be the first to know about artist announcements, price increase alerts, contests, backstage opportunities, and more for Country on the River 2017. Plus, join before February 14 and you're entered for a chance to win a pair of VIP tickets. It's the perfect gift for you and your sweetheart this Valentine's Day.
Becoming a Text Club member is simple: text COTR to 24587 now on your mobile phone, confirm your entry to our Text Club, and you're entered! One lucky Text Club member will receive two VIP tickets to Country on the River 2017.
Being a VIP ticket holder gives you the most of your festival experience. VIP tickets include your own commerative lawn chair, front of stage access, complimentary bar, and more!
Text in and join before February 14 to enter for your chance at this sweet prize! Get details and complete sweepstakes rules at CountryontheRiver.com/Sweetheart!
Winter is almost over, and so is Winter Pricing for 2017 tickets. Don't wait to secure your spot at Country on the River! Buy now at the best possible price. Winter Pricing ends THIS TUESDAY night, February 7.
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