A Hingham, Massachusetts woman was charged with drunk driving for the second time in a month. It wasn't just her impaired driving that gave her away. Police had other clues.

The Patriot Ledger reports that cops figured she'd been drinking when they noticed beer pouring out of her glove compartment.

"The woman said the beer was a gift from a friend for completing a court-ordered alcohol-treatment program after her first arrest, police said. She told the arresting officers she shoved it in the glove box when she saw the blue flashing lights behind her."

Look at that mugshot. Does that look like a woman dumb enough to hide an open beer can in her glove box? Yeah, it does to us too.

Here is the moral kids: friends don't let friends drive drunk. They actually encourage them to drive drunk by gifting congratulatory beers. This is all her fault though. The beer was specifically marked "Do not open until Christmas or after your first court hearing."

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