Do You Think George Zimmerman Is Guilty of a Crime in the Trayvon Martin Case? — Survey of the Day
On February 26, 28-year old neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, who was visiting his dad and stepmother in a gated community in Sanford, Florida.
While that isn't dispute, what preceded the shooting as been discussed and dissected over the last couple of weeks.
According to a Gallup poll of 3,006 adults of all races, 36 percent think Zimmerman is probably or definitely guilty of a crime. Seven percent say he is probably or definitely not guilty, and 52 percent say there is not enough information to determine Zimmerman's innocence or guilt.
Opinions range from those who believe that Zimmerman, who has yet to be charged with a crime, killed Martin in cold blood to those who feel he clearly acted in self-defense. Complicating things is that Zimmerman is half Hispanic and half white, while Martin is black, adding what many say is a racial element to the incident.
Among black respondent to the poll the results are radically different, with 72 percent answering that Zimmerman is probably or definitely guilty of a crime.