Memorial Day was created to commemorate all the American servicemembers who have died while serving our country. With so many military men and women currently on dangerous overseas assignments, it's also a time to think about their sacrifice, and the sacrifice of their families back home.
Are Satisfied With How Much You Pay for Health Care? — Survey of the Day
While there is a widespread consensus that the overall costs of health care in the United States are out of control, individual policy holders aren't necessarily up in arms about their monthly rates.
How Would You Define Your Economic Class? — Survey of the Day
America is a middle-class nation, at least if you ask Americans. Gallup surveyed 1,009 adults if they were "upper class," "upper-middle class," "middle class," "working class" or "lower class."
It is often said that, as you age, the memory is the first thing to go. However, according to a new study, one fairly simple step can greatly improve older adults' ability to remember.
Will You Decorate Your Home for the Holidays? — Survey of the Day
Tis the season for Christmas lights, nativity scenes and Santa lawn statues. In December, it often seems like every house in the neighborhood is decorated for the holidays. But are they really, or are your eyes being tricked by the blinking lights?
‘Reply All’ Is Not Just Annoying, Also Bad for Business
The holiday season presents a bit of a greeting conundrum. Do you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy holidays"? This decision weighs particularly heavily on retailers, who want to use verbiage that encourages the widest swath of Americans to spend money at their stores.
Women Who Work in Porn Have Higher Self-Esteem and Better Life Quality
There's an old stereotype that women enter into pornography because they have deep-seated issues relating to childhood abuse or addiction. However, nobody had ever actually tested the emotional well-being of female porn stars. Until now—and the results may be surprising.
Should Parents Use the Internet to Check Up On Their Kids? — Survey of the Day
We're probably at the point where just about every parent with a school-age child has a certain level of Internet sophistication. This means that it is fairly easy for most parents to check up on what their kids are getting into online. But are they?
Emergency Room Technician Swam to Work After Hurricane Sandy [VIDEO]
Having your house surrounded by water because of a flood is usually a good enough reason to stay home from work, but not this time.
Marsha Hedgepeth works as a technician in an emergency room. So when Hurricane Sandy put her Toms River, New Jersey, neighborhood under 10 feet of water, she knew she had to get to her hospital so she could help those who were injured in the superstorm.