Maura Chwastyk
5 Great Back-to-School Apps That Will Have You at the Head of the Class
The weather might be more ice cream trucks and long days at the pool, but the calendar is inching towards yellow buses and new backpacks. Every parent knows about back-to-school clothes and back-to-school supplies, but nowadays, back-to-school apps are just as important.
9 Awesome Tech Gifts Dad Will Love for Father’s Day
Sure, your dad saidhe didn't want anything for Father's Day, but that might also have been a not-so-subtle hint that, thanks to the last several holidays, he has quite enough ties and golf balls, thank you.
Five Celebrities Who Have Battled Heart Disease
Money, power, drivers, personal assistants at your beck and call ... who doesn't occasionally fantasize about being famous? From the pages of those glossy magazines, it seems like celebrities have it all. And it turns out they really do have it all—even heart disease.
As we near the end of National Heart Health Month, it's important to remember that no one is immune to heart disease, not even thos
5 Frequently Asked Questions About Heart Disease
Valentine's Day may be over, but that doesn't mean you have to take down all of your heart decorations yet. February is also American Heart Month, so keep gluing glitter to pink construction paper while you educate yourself on all the ways to make sure your future is heart-disease-free.
To get you started, we've answered five big questions about heart health below.
5 Things You Can Do This Year to Save Money on Next Year’s Taxes
It may still be early in the year, but it's not too early to start thinking about your taxes for next year. As much fun as it is to procrastinate, now is the time you can really make a difference in next year's IRS bill. If you plan ahead, you can save a bundle in 2014 using these five simple (and some not-so-simple) ways:
Start a Health Savings Account
If you're young or middle-aged and have conc
5 Exercises That Will Improve Your Heart Health
You listen to weather updates so you know how to dress. You wash your hands so you don't get the flu. You wear your seatbelt to keep you safe in the car. You are a prevention machine. But are you working to prevent the number one cause of death for both men and women, heart disease? For American Heart Month, we're focusing on ways to avoid this preventable disease. If you want to keep your heart h
5 Ways to Save Money on Your 2013 Taxes
It's hard to believe it's already the middle of tax season. 2013 is off to a fast clip, and unfortunately this means that Tax Day is right around the corner. You could bury your head in the sand until you hit April 14 panic mode, or this year you could give yourself a burst of energy and self-confidence knowing that you met your taxes head-on. Here are money savers to get you started:
10 Surprising Uses for Toothpaste
When you're brushing your teeth, it can be almost impossible to contain the toothpaste only to your brush. Somehow it ends up on the mirror, in the sink, maybe even on your hands.
It seems like the only good place for that paste is in your mouth, but as it turns out, there are a lot of other places you might want your toothpaste to go. It can help out all over the house if you know how to use it.
10 Apps to Help Keep You Safe for Hurricane Season
The beginning of June brings warm weather, new flowers and less joyfully, the start of hurricane season.
10 Tech Savvy Gifts That Will Blow Mom Away This Mother’s Day
As much as your non-smoking mom claims to love the handmade ashtrays and hand-picked bouquet (from her garden, no less) that you've given her every Mother's Day for the last two decades, this is the year to shake things up.