Would You Rather Work for a Man or a Woman? [POLL]
Who’s a better boss – men or women?
As it turns out, Americans don’t think one is better than the other.
According to a new survey, 41% of people don’t care if they work for a man or a woman. Thirty-five percent said a man and 23% chose a woman.
Among men, 51% said they don’t care if their supervisor is a man or a woman, while 29% voted for men and 18% are all for women.
Women were a little more selective. Forty percent said they would like their boss to be a man, while 27% were in favor of women and 32% had no preference.
The results are a far cry from when the question was first asked back in 1953. At that time, 66% said they wanted a male, while a miniscule 5% said a female.