President Obama’s Website Gets More Visitors Than All His GOP Rivals Combined
Looks like President Obama's re-election campaign is well on its way to having the same kind of digital success that helped him secure the presidency in the first place.
According to a recent Nielsen analysis, the president's website attracted more unique voting-age visitors than the sites for the four remaining GOP candidates -- combined.
In January, Obama’s site received 4.2 million unique visitors over the age of 18, and the combined total for the sites run by Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul was less than three million.
Here's how those numbers broke down.
While 60 percent of the visitors to Santorum's site were women, men were most likely to click through to the other GOP candidate websites.
Ron Paul had the youngest visitors, with more than a third being between 18-34. Just over half of President Obama’s visitors were over 50.
Income and Education
Newt Gingrich held sway with the monied and educated. Over a quarter of his site visitors earn an annual income of $100,000 or more, and half have at least a bachelor's degree.
With 17 percent overall, MittRomney.com had the highest concentration of Hispanic visitors.
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