Whoever thought it was a good idea to take a handful of the rejected d-bags from previous 'Bachelorette' seasons who were kicked off for being less-than-an-ideal men and put them in a place called 'The Bachelor Pad' so they can party and makeout with all the rejected women from 'The Bachelor' ... is a genius.

While we seriously can't stand listening to a single word that comes out of most of these tools' mouths, they are incredibly fun to look at shirtless. It's only fitting that we now get to treat them like slabs of meat after they did the same to their respective bachelorettes -- we're referring mostly to the one who calls himself Justin "Rated R" Rego. That name alone wreaks of ill repute.

As we prepare for the upcoming third season, here's a look back at some of the previous contestants to get an idea of what we'll expect from this year's crop.

Michael Stagliano -- 'The Bachelorette,' Season 5

'Bachelor Pad's' Michael Stagliano shirtless

Jake Pavelka -- 'The Bachelorette,' Season 14

'Bachelor Pad's' Jake Pavelka shirtless

Kirk Dewindt -- 'The Bachelorette,' Season 6

'Bachelor Pad's' Kirk Dewindt shirtless

Ames Brown -- 'The Bachelorette,' Season 7

'Bachelor Pad's' Ames Brown shirtless

Justin "Rated R" Rego -- 'The Bachelorette,' Season 6

'Bachelor Pad's' Justin "Rated R" Rego shirtless

Blake Julian -- 'The Bachelorette,' Season 7

'Bachelor Pad's' Blake Julian shirtless

William Holman -- 'The Bachelorette,' Season 7

'Bachelor Pad's' William Holman shirtless

Kasey Kahl -- 'The Bachelorette,' Season 7

'Bachelor Pad's' Kasey Kahl shirtless

Graham Bunn -- 'The Bachelorette,' Season 4

'Bachelor Pad's' Graham Bunn shirtless

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