Despite the growth of online shopping, many people plan to go the old-fashioned route this holiday season and head into stores.

A new survey has revealed that 88% of shoppers will do their holiday gift-buying at traditional brick and mortar stores, even though 93% have anxieties about doing so.

Shopping in stores comes with all sorts of hazards come the holidays. About 42% worry about the big crowds, while 29% are concerned about lines and 15% fret over whether the merchandise they want will be out of stock. Strangely, no one seems too stressed out over the fact parking will be a major hassle.

A good chunk of the public will drag their weary bones into actual stores, but that doesn’t mean online shopping is a fad that’s over now. Seventy-five percent of shoppers also plan to do their holiday shopping via the Internet, while 16% will make purchases over a mobile device.

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