Employees Earn Big Raise for Getting Tattoo of Company Logo
A New York real estate company wants employees to take up some real estate on their bodies in order to take up more real estate in their bank accounts.
Rapid Realty has told employees they will receive a 15% raise if they get a tattoo of the company’s logo. The tats can be big or small and can go anywhere on the body.
The gimmick, the brainchild of an employee who got a tattoo of the logo with no incentive, has taken off, with 40 workers getting inked, although with 800 people employed, there are still plenty who have not done so.
One employee said, ““I think it’s a good opportunity to show commitment to a company that makes going to work fun every day.”
Not everyone is buying into the hype, though. One man said, “It’s a scar for life. I have enough of those.”
The bill for the tattoos, which can cost as much as $300, are taken care of by the agency’s owner, who has yet to get inked himself, although he says he will.
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