Jordan Breindel

10 Memorable TV Dads We’d Be Happy to Call Our Own
From Homer Simpson to Tim Taylor to Cliff Huxtable, we love TV dads for all of their charms and, yes, imperfections too. Here are our 10 favorite TV dads, fathers we'd be happy to call our own:

The Biggest Fireworks Displays Across the Country
Forget about the dawn's early light, this Fourth of July is all about the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air and maybe even a couple of spiders. Those are the ones that, well, look kind of like a spider, anyway.In honor of the Fourth, here are 10 great fireworks displays throughout the country. If your ...
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World’s Ugliest Ties – 10 Ties You Shouldn’t Buy Dad for Father’s Day
What makes a truly hideous tie? Is it the color? The shape? The presence of marine life? The truth is, there's no one answer, which is why we've given you 10. It doesn't matter how you knot it, ties don't get much worse than this.
Check out 10 ties to avoid buying for Father's Day.

Sexiest Celebrity Dads
Unlike most dads, celebrity dads are super sexy. That's why they're celebrities (and dads). You see how that works? You guys know where babies come from, right? Without further adieu, here's the eye candy, just in time for Father's Day.