Australian Mother of 12 Gives Birth to Quintuplets
One busy mom is about to get a lot busier, as she has just given birth to quintuplets, making her brood of 16 children one of the largest families in the Australian state of Victoria.
Earlier today, the 48-year-old mother of 12, who has apparently mistaken her body for a clown car, welcomed five new additions to her family to the tune of two boys and three girls (one of which, sadly, died just before birth).
Fortunately for the mom, there was a team of 30 specialists on hand to help deliver her screaming munchkins by way of cesarean section. You didn’t really think she had the guts to deliver five babies the other way, did you?
This event marks the first quintuplet birth in Melbourne in nearly 30 years, which doctors say is so unlikely that there's only about a one-in-55 million chance of conceiving a litter of that magnitude naturally. We're going to go out on a limb and say that perhaps mom would have been better suited playing the lottery rather than trying to imitate a fictional character from an old nursery rhyme.
The four surviving newborns, along with their mother, are doing well, according to a spokesperson for Monash Medical Centre. No word yet, though, whether the family will be moving into a giant shoe once they leave the hospital.