Based on actions displayed by Helen B. Staudinger earlier this week, she's what you'd refer to as a feisty female.

On Monday evening, the 92-year-old visited her friend/neighbor's house and before departing requested a kiss. The neighbor, 53-year-old Dwight Bettner, declined the offer and asked Staudinger to leave.

Furious, Staudinger returned to her home, grabbed her semi-automatic pistol, stomped back to his house and fired several gunshots into the home.

Bettner said he was on the phone when her heard the shots . One shot in particular went through his window, sending glass everywhere.

Staundinger is currently in jail, with bail set at $15,000. Should she post pail, Judge Sarah Ritteroff explained to the woman that she's forbidden contact with Bettner, cannot return to her home if his residence is within 500 feet of her own and is not allowed to possess firearms or ammunition. Her next court date is April 2, 2011. Let's hope she leaves her gun at home this time.

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