In a merciful break from the oppressive rule of cats and their stinkin' cat videos, the Internet offered up this adorable video of Nellie the sea otter to Free Beer, Hot Wings and Zane this morning.

Taken at the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Tacoma, Washington, the footage of Nellie stacking cups with amazing (and adorable) precision is undeniably cute. While it might take Nellie some time to reach this level of cup stacking, it didn't take Free Beer very long to express his desire to own a sea otter.

"We need [to get] an estimate on a sea otter environment," said Free Beer. He went on to say that he would like to know "how much it would cost to put one of those in my basement."

We're gonna go on record and say that we love this video as well. Just look at how she hands the cups back to the trainer! The bar has been raised, cats.

Check out Nellie the sea otter in action:

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