Woman Triumphs By Getting $10,000 Check for Unknowingly Paying to Light Streetlamps the Last 25 Years
Woman Triumphs By Getting $10,000 Check for Unknowingly Paying to Light Streetlamps the Last 25 Years
Woman Triumphs By Getting $10,000 Check for Unknowingly Paying to Light Streetlamps the Last 25 Years
Reading utility bills can be frustrating. The total amount is usually higher than we think it should be, and figuring out why is nearly impossible. But one Connecticut woman now knows the reason for her inflated bills: for more than two decades, she was paying the cost of juicing two city streetlamps.
New Research Reveals Egg Yolk Is As Unhealthy as Cigarettes
New Research Reveals Egg Yolk Is As Unhealthy as Cigarettes
New Research Reveals Egg Yolk Is As Unhealthy as Cigarettes
Just short of playing Russian roulette at the breakfast table, the consensus seems to be that we are all doomed without a doubt, as the latest chapter of the great American death machine has just revealed that eating egg yolk may be just as bad as smoking cigarettes. So what in the name of Joe Camel is going on here?

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